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Over the decades since George Lucas released Star Wars in 1977, the franchise has introduced us to many powerful Jedi that can kick some serious butt. While there are a lot of potential candidates for this list, we decided to limit it to only those Jedi who stayed true to the Light Side of the Force, or were redeemed before their death. As a result, this list will not include characters who died serving the Dark Side, or Force users who never became Jedi. That being said, let’s take a look at the Jedi who are truly a “Force” to be reckoned with—but fair warning, this article contains spoilers from all of the existing Star Wars films, various animated series, and all Expanded Universe/Legends material!
12. Ki-Adi Mundi
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Ki-Adi was a Cerean Jedi Master who served as a member of the Jedi Council before the start of the Clone Wars. During the Clone Wars, Mundi fought in many battles, and was the only Jedi to survive a battle with General Grievous that left five other Jedi dead. At one point, Obi-Wan Kenobi was thought to be dead, and during this time, Ki-Adi Mundi served as Anakin Skywalker’s Jedi Master. During the Clone Wars, Skywalker and Mundi had to face a huge force of droids on Geonosis, and Ki-Adi ended up destroying more droids than Anakin—which greatly impressed his apprentice. Mundi would survive many difficult battles, but was eventually cut down by his own Clone Troops when they acted on Order 66.
11. Kit Fisto
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A Jedi Knight who trained under Master Yoda himself, Kit Fisto hailed from the planet Glee Anselm. During the Clone Wars, he served on the Jedi Council and was an advisor to Chancellor Palpatine as well as a Jedi General who led Clone Troops into battle many times, including on Geonosis. At Mon Cala, he led an army during an underwater battle—a task he was uniquely suited to because of his Nautolan heritage, which gave him the ability to breathe underwater. He managed to maim the powerful General Grievous, cutting off one of the cyborg’s hands, but Kit finally fell in battle against Darth Sidious, who fatally stabbed him after slaying two other Jedi.
10. Qui-Gon Jinn
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If you’re only familiar with the Star Wars movies, you may only know Qui-Gon as Obi-Wan’s master and the Jedi who discovered Anakin Skywalker. But Qui-Gon deserves recognition for much more than that. Having studied under Count Dooku, Qui-Gon mastered the art of lightsaber battle, particularly the fourth form known as Ataru. This hard-hitting style of combat is capable of decisively ending a fight quickly, but also has weaknesses in defense. Darth Maul took advantage of those weaknesses when he killed Jinn in close combat. Despite his untimely death, Qui-Gon Jinn’s true power was not revealed until after he was killed. He had spent a good portion of his life studying the nature of the Force and the possibility of merging with it upon death. He became the first Jedi—in the current canon, at least—to do so, returning as a voice to Master Yoda. His teachings after death allowed both Yoda and Obi-Wan to return as Force Ghosts after their passing. Without his tutelage, Luke Skywalker would never have been able to complete his training.
9. Plo Koon
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Next on our list is Qui-Gon Jinn’s closest friend in the Jedi Order, Plo Koon. This unassuming and humble Jedi Master was known for staying calm during dangerous situations. Extremely skilled with a lightsaber and an amazing air force commander, Koon was always looked to by the Council when a mission called for an elite Jedi. He was offered an open position on the Jedi Council, but turned it down because he felt Qui-Gon deserved the spot more. The Council knew his worth, however, and offered him another position later—which he accepted. He served as a general in the Clone Wars, commanding starfighters while the ground battles were led by other Jedi. Unfortunately, his ability as a pilot and air commander left him vulnerable, as he was killed when clone troops shot down his fighter after Darth Sidious issued Order 66.
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