10 Failed Takes That Have Become Masterpieces
Dozens or even hundreds of people were involved during the filming. It is almost impossible to completely control them, especially actors whose occasional hitch adds a charm and originality to a movie.
And today we have 10 takey in your favorite films that have gone wrong, for the joy of the Filmmakers and viewers, and as you understood this takes became real masterpieces. Another Top 10 Improvised Movie Moments
1. The Usual Suspects” The scene where the film’s heroes are lined up for police identification were asked to read one phrase, unintentionally turned into a real pun! All the actors had to read the words written on paper, but someone suddenly started to mumble, someone fooled around, making the others laugh! In any case, it did not turn out to take a serious take.
2. True Lies. Jamie Lee Curtis really lost her balance. You can see how Arnold Schwarzenegger flinches and is about to rise to help Jamie in the background, but the actress immediately returns to the image and continues her performance
3.Mission Impossible II”. During the filming of the final fight, the film crew tried to achieve the maximum believability, so when the stuntman asked Tom Cruise not to hold himself in the final blow.
4. The Lord of the Rings: Two Towers “. Do you remember the scene, where Viggo Mortensen strikes orc’s steel helmet, left behind by the extinct fire, and makes a cry full of despair.
5.The Dark Knight” – After the joker was locked in one-man cell, he quieted down and just watched what was happening.
6. Pretty Woman” 1990 – It is one of the most famous scenes in the movie, where E’dward presents Vivian a box with expensive necklace
7. “Guardians of the Galaxy”. Charismatic and cheerful Chris Pratt improvises a lot and gives out funny jokes.
8. “Django Unchained” is a Western of Quentin Tarantino. It is one of the few films in which Leonardo Di Caprio played a supporting role.
9. Du’mb and Du’mber. We all know that Jim Carrey can improvise like no other, but he realized his talent to the full in the movie
10. “Good Will Hu’nting” Matt Da’mon laughed at how Robin Williams’s wife farted, while she was sleeping, for a long time because he did not expect to hear it.
Video From: MadLab