The 45 Most Beautiful Shots of Cinematic Sunsets

Sunsets have provided a backdrop to some of the most powerful, beautiful, and memorable scenes in movies.

The sun sets every single day, without delays or interruptions. It’s all just part of the universe’s natural cycle that we don’t pay much attention to, and maybe even take for granted sometimes. Still, few things are as naturally beautiful or inherently awe-inspiring as sunsets, either. At face value, they’re just really pleasant to look at, but on a deeper level sunsets contain the power to evoke a range of emotions. And if you’re lucky enough to take a picture of a sunset in all its natural splendor and upload it to Instagram, your social media will be the best around that day.

Filmmakers clearly understand the appeal of sunsets, though, hence why they’ve used them time and time again to enhance their works in a variety of ways. And given that images of sunsets have contributed so much to the art of cinema, we decided it was time to honor them. Obviously, this isn’t a comprehensive collection of all the incredible sunset shots out there, but we have selected 45 favorites which showcase filmmaking at its most visually spectacular and evocative. Additionally, this is the only list we’ve published where comedies about amateur stuntmen can co-exist alongside gory horror fare, prestige historical dramas, and sci-fi epics without seeming out of place. That unlikely unity alone makes sunsets worth praising.

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983) – DP: Alan Hume ⏐ Director: Richard Marquand


War Horse (2011) – DP: Janusz Kamiński ⏐ Director: Steven Spielberg


King Kong (2005) – DP: Andrew Lesnie ⏐ Director: Peter Jackson


Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) – DP: Douglas Slocombe ⏐ Director: Steven Spielberg


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The 45 Most Beautiful Shots of Cinematic Sunsets

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