Kate Beckinsale (The Only Boy Living in New York, Love & Friendship) is set to star in The Widow, an eight-episode drama series from The Missing scribes Harry and Jack Williams and co-produced by Amazon and ITV. Production on the series, originally acquired by ITV, is set to begin this month in South Africa, Wales and Rotterdam.
Written and executive produced by the Williams brothers, The Widow follows Georgia Wells (Beckinsale) who has cut herself off from her previous life and is no longer the woman she once was. After seeing her “late” husband on the news, she is pulled back to face the world and will stop at nothing until she gets the truth about her past. Described as an emotional, gut-wrenching thriller, The Widow will take Georgia into the depths of the African Congo where danger and revelation will greet her at every turn.
The Widow will premiere on ITV in the UK and on Prime Video in the U.S. and more than 200 countries and territories. The series will be produced by Eliza Mellor (Liar, The Living and the Dead, Poldark), directed by Sam Donovan (Humans, Liar, Utopia) and Olly Blackburn (Donkey Punch, Glue), and distributed globally by All3Media International.
“We are thrilled to continue our existing relationship with Kate Beckinsale on the heels of her incredible performances in Amazon Studios’ critically acclaimed films,” said Brad Beale, Vice President, Worldwide TV Content Acquisition, Amazon Prime Video. “Harry and Jack Williams have created a powerful story, which will be brought to life by one of the world’s most talented actresses, and we are excited to bring this thrilling series to Prime members around the world.”
“I’m delighted to announce Kate Beckinsale’s casting in The Widow,” said ITV’s Head of Drama Polly Hill. “She is perfect for the role of Georgia in what is, as always, brilliant, compelling and surprising storytelling from Harry and Jack Williams. We’re very pleased to have secured the series which is an ITV original commission and co-production with Amazon.”
(Excerpt) Read More in: Deadline