Chris Hemsworth is one of those rare actors who can do it all. The Australian star excels at action—he’s the mighty Thor of the Avengers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe—but he can also handle fantasy (those Huntsman movies), comedy (the Ghostbusters reboot), drama (Rush), and even horror (The Cabin in the Woods). This versatility means that Hemsworth makes a lot of movies, and like all of us, he’s allowed to have a bad day at the office every now and then. All those long hours on set nailing take after take can make even the biggest movie stars get a little loopy and fall off their game. Unlike your goof-ups at work, the results of Hemsworth’s mishaps have been caught on film for all the world to see—and we’ve taken the liberty of rounding up some of the funniest examples for your amusement. Here’s a look at some bloopers that make us love Chris Hemsworth even more.[/nextpage][nextpage]
The Avengers – Juggling act
Mjolnir, Thor’s mighty hammer, is unmovable by pretty much everyone except the god of thunder himself. It’s probably the most famous object in Norse mythology, and certainly the most famous tool in comics this side of Captain America’s shield or Batman’s utility belt. But it’s not real, of course. The one Hemsworth carries around in all those MCU movies is just a prop. It’s also incredibly lightweight—as this blooper shows, Hemsworth can toss it around and juggle it quite easily. Okay, maybe not “easily,” because he can’t get a handle on the thing, bobbles it a few times, and then drops it.[/nextpage][nextpage]
Thor: The Dark World – Do a little dance
It’s both ironic and hilarious when what’s supposed to be among the strongest, most tenacious, unbreakable objects on the planet breaks in half and reveals itself for what it is: some flimsy stuff cobbled and glued together. The prop department at Marvel Studios just might need to invest in some sturdier materials, or just some better hammer glue. In this blooper, Mjolnir takes some battle damage and falls apart in Hemsworth’s hands. Fortunately, the actor turns the problem into an opportunity—to dance! Hemsworth improvises a little dance routine, twirling the broken hammer like a dancer would do with a cane in an old movie musical.[/nextpage][nextpage]
Thor: The Dark World – Uncontrollable cape
The three most defining characteristics of Thor, or at least as he’s presented in the Marvel movies: he’s got that powerful hammer in his hand, long blond hair rests on his head and shoulders, and his red cape ripples in the wind behind him. Well, two out of three ain’t bad—because one of those things can’t always do what Thor wants it to do. On the set of this standalone Thor movie, Hemsworth’s most temperamental co-star was that cape. It unpredictably flew every which way, even slapping the star in the face.[/nextpage][nextpage]
Thor: The Dark World – Case of the mumbles
This emotionally climactic moment from The Dark World is supposed to be tender, powerful, and serious. Hemsworth is supposed to tell Natalie Portman’s character, Jane Foster, that “no matter what happens” everything will be okay, et cetera, et cetera. Despite the seriousness of the emotionally climactic moment, Hemsworth can’t get his lines out…or even keep a straight face.
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