‘Big Brother’ Returns with No Hugs During  Coronavirus Pandemic

Sixteen Big Brother alumni returned to the house tonight for the show’s upcoming All-Stars season. CBS announced the cast of returning fan favorites, past winners and notable personalities Wednesday.

The Big Brother: All-Star cast features past winners Nicole Franzel and Ian Terry, fan favorites Da’Vonne Rogers and Kaysar Ridha, and others playing for another shot at the top title including Janelle Pierzina and Dani Briones. Additional houseguests for the new season include Bayleigh Dayton, Enzo Palumbo, Cody Calafiore, Kevin Campbell and Christmas Abbot. Also joining are David Alexander, Keesha Smith, Memphis Garrett, Nicole Anthony and Tyler Crispen.

This season’s group of past players will compete for another shot at the show’s grand prize of $500,000. This is Big Brother’s second All-Stars season, following its first in 2006 which saw Mike Mallin walk away with the prize.

Big Brother season 22 was slated to premiere in June, per the show’s tradition, but was delayed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. With the coronavirus still affecting the United States, the Big Brother production team has taken on safety protocols to ensure the safety of the All-Stars cast.

Prior to entering the show’s house during Wednesday night’s premiere, all the returning players quarantined and received several COVID-19 tests. All the cast members will also undergo weekly tests for the infectious disease and will not come into contact with crew members.

Additional protocol for Big Brother: All-Stars crew and staff include regular testing and symptom screenings, PPE requirements and work pods. A COVID-19 compliance officer will also be on set to enforce and monitor the detailed measures.

Season 22 of Big Brother premieres Wednesday at 9 p.m. on CBS. Following the season kick-off, the series will air Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 to 9 p.m.

‘Big Brother’ Returns with No Hugs During Coronavirus Pandemic

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