Academy Sparks Outrage for Dumping 4 Oscar Categories to Commercial Breaks: ‘I Am So Pissed Off’

The Academy’s decision to present four categories — cinematography, film editing, makeup and hairstyling and live-action shorts — during commercial breaks on this year’s Oscar show has been greeted with widespread outrage, with the condemnation stretching from Oscar watchers to past Oscar winners Guillermo del Toro, Alfonso Cuarón and Emmanuel Lubezki.

Cuarón, a multiple nominee this year for “Roma,” also weighed in. “In the history of CINEMA, masterpieces have existed without sound, without color, without a story, without actors and without music,” he tweeted. “No one single film has ever existed without CINEMAtography and without editing.”

And Lubezki, the only cinematographer to win three consecutive Oscars, wrote on Instagram, “Cinematography and editing are probably the ‘elementary particles,’ the primordial components of cinema. It’s an unfortunate decision.”

But those responses were among the more measured comments on social media — or, for that matter, the comments from affected Academy members reached by TheWrap on Monday.

“This is a failure of stewardship, a failure of nerve, a failure of producing, a failure to understand television, a failure of network custody of the Oscars, and a failure of Academy governance,” author and journalist Mark Harris wrote.

In a subsequent tweet, Harris added, “This is about ABC using the falling ratings for ALL awards shows as a way to tell AMPAS ‘You’re doing it wrong’ with the goal of turning the show into an infomercial for commercial Hollywood product, including its own, and AMPAS being too naïve about TV to know it’s being played.”

Read more tweets about the Academy’s move below:

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Academy Sparks Outrage for Dumping 4 Oscar Categories to Commercial Breaks: ‘I Am So Pissed Off’

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